Simple Solutions Made Simply Available

HuMandala thinks like a business owner would. An in-depth study of the Business leads us to recognizing the gaps in your organization & its people function, thus clearly identifying the problem statement. This is half the battle won as we can work towards a clear objective of solving the identified problems and hence bridging the gap of performance and success.

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  •   HuMandala’s facilitation in implementation of Performance Management System for an IT client helped them not only track the performers but also helped them set a clear process and strategy towards TNI and bridging the performance gap contributing to the bottom line of progress.
  • HuMandala facilitated a onetime exercise of Role clarification & Task Analysis for a Sales & Engineering division of a manufacturing company. The exercise helped them identifying key roles, bridge the lope holes in services & sales contributing significantly towards customer satisfaction & retention.
  • HuMandala conducted assessment center for a well-known manufacturing client for its middle management with purpose of succession planning and career mapping.